Tuesday, March 6, 2012

NBA To Consider Allowing Advertisements On Jerseys...Really?

The NBA board of governors will vote in April whether to allow advertising on uniforms, according to Sporting News.

Placing advertising on uniforms has become common place on professional sports teams overseas, however, it has yet to make a significant appearance in American sports aside from NASCAR.
“Obviously, it’s a league decision, but as someone who spent seven years at NASCAR, I know the value of putting a brand on the playing field and the uniform, so it is certainly something I would support,” New Jersey Nets CEO Brett Yormark told the Sporting News. “You can monetize this in ways you can’t monetize any other kind of marketing inventory. And, of course, we’re in the No. 1 market in the country, so …”
According to Sporting News, some NBA executives are waiting to see how much potential revenue could be gained from opening up jersey’s as a potential place to advertise before making their decision. If that number is high enough, it could sway some to take the potential public relations hit in turn for the increased revenue.

Article courtesy of http://tracking.si.com/
Image courtesy of Alex T Design

Now in my opinion we all saw this coming. Ads will run the world and people will make that extra dollar every time a logo is flashed or in this instance a player dunks with the respected product/service backing them up. NBA will do anything for the money, i mean come on...did we all forget about the lockout. ~A.T.

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